Dating Your Best Friend 10 Tips For A Smooth Relationship

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

For some, pursuing a romantic connection with a friend might feel like the natural thing ever, and in many ways it is. Building trust and a good rapport might feel fairly seamless, but there are other things that won’t come quite so easy. After considering your feelings, the feelings of your friend and the feelings of your crush, you’ll have to determine what you think the best course of action is. Depending on the situation, your friend may understand and step aside.

It likely won’t be as laid-back as the friendship; jealousy might come into the mix, and if either or both of you are dramatic or very sensitive, prepare to face the music. If you feel that it’s not mutual and you value having the person in your life, don’t act on it and wait it out. Maybe you just have a strong emotional bond, but it doesn’t mean that you’re in love with the person. In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation.

When I was in high school my best guy friend was in love with me, but for years I was totally oblivious to it. Most of us aren’t particularly touchy-feely with our friends. It’s not that we never touch them or avoid touching them, it’s just that there isn’t much of a need for a lot of physical contact. If you can feel a spark between you and your best friend, then chances are there’s more than friendship lurking below the surface. You two clearly have a very close bond and feel comfortable enough to share personal things with one another that you wouldn’t tell just anyone.

Having a shoulder to cry on or a friendly ear to vent to can make a huge difference in how you feel when going through a difficult romantic situation. It means that your best friend really does listen to you. The fact that they make an effort to remember every little detail of your life is what signals strong feelings for you.

By always being considerate about each other’s needs, checking up on each other, and not taking the relationship for granted, they made sure they were always sailing smoothly. “The person is seeking more opportunities to spend time with you and it’s happening even outside of a group.” A mutually supportive community where deeply emotional things you can’t tell people you know can be told. Whether it’s long-standing baggage, happy thoughts, or recent trauma, posting it here may provide some relief. But remember you’re the one that passed on this girl and she’s now dating someone else. “Ana, I like you too, but I am dating someone and I don’t have those feelings for you right now. I hope you understand.” My friend likes him too, but she teases me about him.”

And having someone who can help you understand the signs of mutual love is an invaluable asset. If you’re flirting together, you’re probably laughing and having fun. If she can’t help herself but laugh, then that’s a great sign.

Even though I felt bad, I was secretly thrilled because it meant she had more time to hang out with me. When she had a homework emergency, she’d call me for help. If she was considering a new outfit, she’d text me for my opinion.

So if your best friend finds excuses to try and touch you then it’s for a reason. Maybe they fix an item of your clothing, shift your hair around, or they reach over LonelyWifeHookup to touch your arm when you’re talking. You might have come looking for the clear signs your best friend is in love with you because you’ve just got a feeling.

My chest ached and I felt like I was going to cry and scream at the same time.”If Jenna wants to talk to me, she knows my number,” I said before hanging up. He was totally dorky, but he and Jenna shared a passion for music and they had been hanging out a lot. “Do you know if Tyler is going to prom with anyone?” Jenna whispered to me during class a couple of weeks later. I realized that maybe she just saw me as a placeholder date — there if she couldn’t get a real date — and hadn’t been really serious about going together. “That’s how you’re going to ask me?” she answered, unimpressed. “Other girls get flowers and jewelry and creative proposals.”

They will be your eternal support

And when it comes to men — when there are other women in the picture and I feel even an iota of warning in the pit of my stomach — now I listen to it. Do you both have this sudden urge to tell each other anything small or big that happens in your day? And you both feel like the other person has to be the first one to know about it?

A best friend isn’t relied upon to bring happiness like a romantic partner is.

Girlfriends are infamous for not accepting the reality of a situation until the end when all hell breaks loose. A girlfriend, on the other hand, may want to know “who, what, when, where, and how?” She may even draw the conclusion that his business trip is really a rendezvous with this old fling. For example, a man might be reminiscing by looking at an old photo album of an ex that he just happened to leave open while he was rushing out to go to the airport. A best friend would just look and say, “I remember her,” and close the book. It’s not quite that simple if the person is a girlfriend, especially if you live together.

She worries about you and your life.

If it turns into a friends with benefits type of situation, it might lead to more or it might explode. At best, your friendship will never be the same. The drunken 3 am text is one of the cliche signs of closet feelings for someone. Best friends often become very close over time. One of the reasons why is because they spend so much time together.

“If they are a true friend, they will understand and may even be more sensitive than expected,” she explains. It can be easy to second-guess your emotions and wonder if you’re being overdramatic, but Hasha wants you to know that no matter what you’re feeling, it’s completely understandable. But most importantly, share the cold, hard facts about real-life friendship. When you do, then your daughter is less likely to beat herself up when conflicts occur.

It can be easy to be reactive in this type of painful situation, especially toward your friend. If you share your feelings right away, you may say something you regret. You may not feel like you want to, but when you’re ready, you may need to force yourself to get started. When you’re hurting, sometimes the best thing you can do is reach out to a friend or family member.